Metal hoods and ducts
A metal hood properly connected to an air-duct fitted with an
extraction fan shall be provided over all food cooking equipment such as ranges, meat roasting ovens, deep fat fryers and
barbecues in the kitchen and food room. The exhaust shall be arranged:
1. to pass through a grease filter, and if required by the Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene (e.g. as in the case of a meat roasting oven or deep fat fryer, etc.), a water scrubber to effectively remove cooking odours, smoke, steam, grease and vapours before discharging into the open air at a height of at least 2.5m above the ground or street level;
2. to discharge into the open air at roof level as not to be a nuisance. Steam tables and microwave ovens need not be provided with special exhaust ventilation.
Independent chimney
If solid fuel or diesel oil is used for cooking, an independent chimney must be built on the external wall, preferably at rear of the building.
One or more grease-traps must be provided to prevent the discharge of grease or oil into any drain or sewer.
At least one wash-up sink of glazed earthenware, stainless metal or other approved material of not less than 450mm in length (measured between the top inner rims) shall be provided in each kitchen, food preparation room and scullery. Every sink shall be connected to public mains water supply or source of water supply approved by the Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene and fitted with a waste pipe connected to a proper drainage system.
Wash-hand basins
In addition to the number of wash-hand basins required under Requirement No. 2 above, at least one wash-hand basin of glazed earthenware or other approved material of not less than 350 mm in length (measured between the top inner rims) shall be provided in each kitchen, food preparation room and scullery. For large food rooms which accommodate a large number of staff, the standard provision is one basin for every 20 staff. Every basin shall be connected to public mains water supply or source of water supply approved by the Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene and fitted with a waste pipe connected to a proper drainage system.
Sterilization facilities
At least one sterilizer of not less than 23-litre capacity shall be provided for the sterilization of all crockery, glassware or other utensils used in the preparation and consumption of food. Perforated metal or wire dipping trays shall be provided to hold the crockery etc. being sterilized. Alternatively, a mechanical dish washing machine or bactericidal agent of a type approved by the Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene may be used.
Storage of utensils
Adequate cupboard space shall be provided for the storage of utensils, crockery and cutlery used in the food business.
(Note : The suggested amount of cupboard space to be provided is 0.02 cubic metre for each square metre of food room area required under Requirement No. 5 above.)
Adequate refrigerators shall be provided for the storage of all perishable food at a temperature not exceeding 10oC. A thermometer shall be provided in each refrigerator.
Certificate of Compliance
If town gas or liquefied petroleum gas is used as fuel, a Certificate of Compliance in respect of all gas fittings and appliances installed on the premises shall be obtained from a registered gas contractor.
Supervision of food business by trained persons
1. Submission to the Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene (DFEH) documentary proof with a copy of course certificate to the effect that the food business at the premises shall be supervised by a full time Hygiene Manager who has completed a hygiene manager training course recognized by the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) and is awarded a certificate. The full time duty will require working in the premises for not less than 8 hours a day.
2. Submission to DFEH documentary proof to the effect that a full time Hygiene Supervisor shall assist the Hygiene Manager in supervising the operation of the food business. For Hygiene Supervisor who has completed a hygiene supervisor training course recognized by FEHD and is awarded a certificate, a copy of the course certificate is also required. For Hygiene Supervisor who has completed a hygiene supervisor training course organized by FEHD and is awarded a certificate, submission of a copy of the course certificate is not required. The full time duty will require working in the premises for not less than 8 hours a day.
3. In relation to 1 above, for those food premises which are under the same licensee and housed in the same supermarket or food court, appointment of the same person as the Hygiene Managers for respective individual licences will be allowed. In that case, the full time duty of the Hygiene Manager will require working in those food premises for not less than in the aggregate 8 hours a day and adequate supervision of the food business of each of those food premises.
4.In relation to 2 above, for those food premises which are under the same licensee and
housed in the same supermarket or food court, appointment of the same person as the
Hygiene Supervisors for respective individual licences will be allowed. In that case, the
full time duty of the Hygiene Supervisor will require working in those food premises for
not less than in the aggregate 8 hours a day and adequate supervision of the
operation of the food business of each of those food premises.
Certification on Free of Unauthorised Building Works
Certification made by recognized professional(s) (i.e. Authorized Persons and Registered Structural Engineers under section 3 of the Buildings Ordinance (Chapter 123)) in prescribed form(s) (FEHB 190 / FEHE 190A) as in accordance with the Guidelines for Authorized Persons and Registered Structural Engineers for certification of the food business premises are free of unauthorised building works, issued by Director of Buildings, Director of Lands or Independent Checking Unit of Housing Department where appropriate, shall be submitted to the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department.
(Except for food business premises in Housing Authority’s properties or Government properties).
Declaration on Compliance with Government Lease Conditions
A declaration (FEHB 192) by the applicant declaring that the operation of a restaurant at the premises is in compliance with Government lease conditions shall be submitted to the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department.
(Except for food business premises in Housing Authority’s properties, the properties divested to The Link Management Limited or Government properties).
Note: The imposition of other non-standard requirements will depend on the circumstances of each individual application.