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Licence Knowledge

Sanitary Fitments

The number of sanitary fitments required in both general and light refreshment restaurants is the same, and varies with the number of customers and staff to be accommodated. The requirements are as follows (where WC denotes water closet; WHB denotes wash-hand basin and U denotes urinal) :

Less than 25 customers

1 WC and 1 WHB (for both sexes)
1 U (for male)

(WCs and Us should be provided in separate rooms with separate entrances.)

Between 25 and 100 customers

1 WC, 1 WHB and 1 U (for male)
1 WC and 1 WHB (for female)

Between 101 and 200 customers

1 WC, 1 WHB and 2 U (for male)
2 WC and 1 WHB (for female)

Between 201 and 300

2 WC, 2 WHB and 3 U (for male)
3 WC and 2 WHB (for female)

Over 300 customers

Provision of sanitary fitments for customers and staff should conform to the requirements in regulations 5 and 8 of the Building (Standards of Sanitary Fitments, Plumbing, Drainage Works and Latrines) Regulations (Cap. 123).