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Licence Knowledge

Ventilation, water supply and manholes


When natural ventilation is insufficient (i.e., where openings and windows to the open air are less than 1/10th of the floor area), a ventilating system shall be provided to give not less than 17 cubic metres of outside air per hour for each person that the premises are designed to accommodate. A ventilating system, which shall be independent of any ventilating system provided for the seating accommodation, shall be provided for the kitchens and toilet rooms of the premises.

Water supply

Public mains water shall be laid on to the premises. Otherwise, potable water with quality satisfying the criteria as laid down in Volumes 1 and 2 of the Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality issued by the World Health Organisation in 1993 shall be provided on the premises.


No manhole shall be situated inside any kitchen, food preparation room
and scullery accommodation.